Council of the Institute of Physics

The composition of the Council of the Institute of Physics of the University of Tartu has been approved by Order No. 1-9.1 / LT / 711 (10.06.2024) of the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Tartu until 30.06.2027. Student representatives approved by the order of LT dean until 30.06.2025:

  1. Chairman: Toomas Plank, director of the Institute, associate professor,
  2. Members: Indrek Jõgi, associate professor,
  3. Heiki Junninen, professor,
  4. Laur Järv, associate professor,
  5. Marco Kirm, professor,
  6. Vambola Kisand, associate professor,
  7. Piia Post, associate professor,
  8. Siim Pikker, associate professor,
  9. Kaupo Kukli, professor,
  10. Raivo Jaaniso, associate professor,
  11. Margus Saal, associate professor,
  12. Kaido Reivelt, head of the School Physics Center,
  13. Anna Maria Tuberg, master's student representative,
  14. Agnes Rohtsalu, representative of undergraduate students,
  15. Toomas Daniel Viskus, doctoral students' representative.

The dates of the regular meetings of the Council of the Institute of Physics in the autumn semester of 2024 are as follows: August 28, September 11, October 2, November 13, December 11 and January 7.

The dates of the regular meetings of the Council of the Institute of Physics in the spring semester of 2025 are as follows:
February 12, March 12, April 9, May 7 and June 11.

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