Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures specializes in its research and teaching in materials science and the physics of low-dimensional structures and their applications. In addition, the laboratory has very good engineering and technological competence.
Main directions of research
Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures has different partners both inside and outside of the institute: Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy, Laboratory of X-Ray Spectroscopy, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Technology, TalTech. Entrepreneurial co-operation is also actively pursued (e.g. Andrese Klaasi AS, Otepää Kymmene OÜ, KuMa Wood OÜ, Nordfix OÜ).
Rünno Lõhmus
Kristjan Saal
Sergei Vlassov
Sven Oras
Madis Lobjakas
PRG1198 "Development of laser-based pen-type probe-MS system for the analysis of cultural heritage objects (1.01.2021−31.12.2025)", Signe Vahur, University of Tartu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry.
PLTFYARENG53 "Development of antimicrobial surface coatings tested in real-life conditions into pilot production phase (18.02.2021−31.12.2021)", Vambola Kisand, University of Tartu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Physics.
LLTFY21434 (2014-2020.4.02.21-0348) "Reusable monopolymeric plastic packages (1.07.2021−27.12.2023)", Sven Lange, University of Tartu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Physics.
Scanning electron microscope Nova NanoSEM 450 (FEI)
Scanning electron microscope Vega II SBU (Tescan)
Atomic Force Microscope Dimension Edge (Veeco)
Buehler Beta Grinder Polisher