Laboratory of Sensor Technologies

The laboratory carries out research on sensors based on low-dimensional materials. We prepare and study different types of sensor materials and structures, develop related measurement techniques and prototypes for various applications.

  • We design and study very sensitive 2D materials by functionalizing single layer graphene in the process of pulsed laser deposition. The aim is to develop portable air quality sensors and electronic noses, which have a low power consumption.
  • We study the gas responses of optical materials and nanostructures (photoluminescence, optical resonances, strongly coupled systems) for novel gas sensing principles and applications.
  • We study and model the gas sensing mechanisms and develop advanced measurement methods (based on modulation and lock-in techniques), in order to improve the sensitivity, selectivity, speed and stability of the sensors.


Raivo Jaaniso
Raivo Jaaniso
Head of Lab
Associate Professor in Materials Science and Applied Physics
Phone: +372 737 4731
Room: C205
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Publons, Google Scholar, Scopus
Supervision: UT DSpace
Margus Kodu
Margus Kodu
Visiting scientist, PhD (materials science)
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Scopus
Valter Kiisk
Valter Kiisk
Associate Professor in Spectroscopy of Sensor Materials, PhD (solid state physics)
Phone: +372 737 4742
Room: D307
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Publons, Google Scholar, Scopus
Supervision: UT DSpace
Taavi Repän

Taavi Repän
Associate Professor of Computational Photonics
Room: C306
CV, projects: ETIS

Koit Mauring
Associate Professor
Phone: +372 737 4737
Room: D320
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Scopus
Supervision: UT DSpace
Indrek Renge
Research Fellow, PhD (chemistry)
Room: C203
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Scopus
Tea Avarmaa
Tea Avarmaa
Research Fellow, PhD (chemistry)
Phone: +372 737 4711, +372 737 4790
Room: C204, D315
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Scopus
Artjom Berholts
Artjom Berholts
Research Fellow in Materials Science, PhD (materials science)
Phone: +372 737 4711
Room: C204
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Scopus
Martin Lind
Martin Lind
PhD student, MSc (physics)
Room: C203
CV, projects: ETIS
Paniz Vafaei
Paniz Vafaei
Junior Research Fellow in Physics, PhD student, MSc (technology)
Room: C202
CV, projects: ETIS
Publications: Scopus
Ahmet Burak Baloglu
Ahmet Burak Baloglu
Junior Research Fellow in Materials Science, PhD student, MSc (materials science)
Room: C202
CV, projects: ETIS
Anna Soosaar
MSc student
Room: D311

Research grants

  • Early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases with electronic nose technology (2024−2028), Temaatilised teadus- ja arendusprogrammid (TEM-TA) project TEM-TA110, PI Raivo Jaaniso
  • Development of air quality sensor prototype (2024−2025), TÜ eksperimentaalarenduse toetus, PI Valter Kiisk
  • Characterization of graphene-based gas sensors (2022−2023), "Other non-Estonian private sector" projects VLTFY22174 and VLTFY23252, PI Raivo Jaaniso
  • Selection of timber weight sensors (weighing logic) and integration into software, "Estonian private enterprises" project LLTFY22126, PI Raivo Jaaniso
  • Novel structures and signal processing methods for gas microsensor arrays based on 2D materials (2022−2026), Personal Research Funding Team grant PRG1580, PI Raivo Jaaniso
  • Inverse design methods for integrating nanophotonic structures with gas sensors (2022−2025), Personal Research Funding Start-up grant PSG716, PI Taavi Repän
  • Graphene Flagship Core Project 3 (2020−2023), Horizon 2020 project MLTFY20220R, PI Raivo Jaaniso
  • Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and GPS/GNSS for automation of outdoor warehouse (2020−2022), "Smart specialization" project LLTFY20500, PI Raivo Jaaniso
  • The role of phonons and the exciton reservoir in the energy transfer of strongly coupled excitonic systems for low threshold laserlike light sources (2020−2023), Personal Research Funding Start-up grant PSG406, PI Siim Pikker

Selected publications

  • Paniz Vafaei, Margus Kodu, Harry Alles, Valter Kiisk, Olga Casals, Joan Daniel Prades, Raivo Jaaniso, Graphene/TiO2 Heterostructure Integrated with a Micro-Lightplate for Low-Power NO2 Gas Detection, Sensors 25 (2025), 382.
  • Ahmet Burak Baloglu, Margus Kodu, Jekaterina Kozlova, Tauno Kahro, Raivo Jaaniso, Graphene-mediated blister-based laser-induced forward transfer of thin and ultra-thin ZrO2, Appl. Phys. A 130 (2024), 743.
  • Artjom Berholts, Margus Kodu, Pavel Rubin, Tauno Kahro, Harry Alles, Raivo Jaaniso, Layered Heterostructure of Graphene and TiO2 as a Highly Sensitive and Stable Photoassisted NO2 Sensor, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 16 (2024), 43827−43837.
  • Raivis Eglitis, Valter Kiisk, Margus Kodu, Martins Vanags, Raivo Jaaniso, Krisjanis Šmits, Andris Šutka, Light-Induced Room-Temperature Gas Sensing by Donor-Doped Anatase TiO2 Ultrasmall Nanoparticles, ACS Appl. Eng. Mater. 2 (2024), 649−658.
  • Sanni M. A. Färkkilä, Monika Mortimer, Raivo Jaaniso, Anne Kahru, Valter Kiisk, Jekaterina Kozlova, Imbi Kurvet, Uno Mäeorg, Maarja Otsus, Kaja Kasemets, Comparison of Toxicity and Cellular Uptake of CdSe/ZnS and Carbon Quantum Dots for Molecular Tracking Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Fungal Model, Nanomaterials 14 (2024), 10.
  • Margus Kodu, Rainer Pärna, Tea Avarmaa, Indrek Renge, Jekaterina Kozlova, Tauno Kahro, Raivo Jaaniso, Gas-Sensing Properties of Graphene Functionalized with Ternary Cu-Mn Oxides for E-Nose Applications, Chemosensors 11 (2023), 460.
  • Valter Kiisk, Michal Novotny, Margus Kodu, Siim Pikker, Tea Avarmaa, Jan Remsa, Jan Lancok, Martin Vrnata, Raivo Jaaniso, Pulsed Laser Annealed Rare Earth Doped TiO2 Thin Films for Luminescence and Sensing Applications, Applied Surface Science 637 (2023), 157884.
  • Valter Kiisk, Margus Kodu, Siim Pikker, Tea Avarmaa, Raivo Jaaniso, Oxygen-Sensitive Luminescence of Ultrathin CdWO4:Sm3+ Films, Optical Materials 128 (2022), 11238.
  • Martin Lind, Valter Kiisk, Margus Kodu, Tauno Kahro, Indrek Renge, Tea Avarmaa, Prashanth Makaram, Amaia Zurutuza, Raivo Jaaniso, Semiquantitative Classification of Two Oxidizing Gases with Graphene-Based Gas Sensors, Chemosensors 10 (2022), 68.
  • Marius Rodner, Adam Icardi, Margus Kodu, Raivo Jaaniso, Andreas Schütze, Jens Eriksson, Metal Oxide Nanolayer-Decorated Epitaxial Graphene: A Gas Sensor Study, Nanomaterials 10 (2020), 2168.
  • Valter Kiisk, Raivo Jaaniso, Rare earth–doped oxide materials for photoluminescence-based gas sensors, in: Raivo Jaaniso and Ooi Kiang Tan (Eds.), Semiconductor Gas Sensors, 2nd Edition (2019), pp. 271–305.
  • Margus Kodu, Artjom Berholts, Tauno Kahro, Jens Eriksson, Rositsa Yakimova, Tea Avarmaa, Indrek Renge, Harry Alles, Raivo Jaaniso, Graphene-Based Ammonia Sensors Functionalised with Sub-Monolayer V2O5: A Comparative Study of Chemical Vapour Deposited and Epitaxial Graphene, Sensors 19 (2019) 951
  • Valter Kiisk, Kristiina Akulitš, Margus Kodu, Tea Avarmaa, Hugo Mändar, Jelena Kozlova, Marko Eltermann, Laurits Puust, Raivo Jaaniso, Oxygen-Sensitive Photoluminescence of Rare Earth Ions in TiO2 Thin Films, J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 17908.
  • Dmitri Lanevski, Koit Mauring, Eric Tkaczyk, Raivo Jaaniso, Optical Differential Temperature Measurement with Beat Frequency Phase Fluorometry, Applied Optics 57 (2018) 8053
  • Margus Kodu, Artjom Berholts, Tauno Kahro, Mati Kook, Peeter Ritslaid, Helina Seemen, Tea Avarmaa, Harry Alles, Raivo Jaaniso, Graphene Functionalised by Laser-ablated V2O5 for a Highly Sensitive NH3 Sensor, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 8 (2017) 571
  • Jüri Krustok, Reelika Kaupmees, Raivo Jaaniso, Valter Kiisk, Ilmo Sildos, B. Li, Y. Gong, Local Strain-induced Band Gap Fluctuations and Exciton Localization in Aged WS2 Monolayers, AIP Advances 7 (2017) 065005
  • Margus Kodu, Artjom Berholts, Tauno Kahro, Tea Avarmaa, Aarne Kasikov, Ahti Niilisk, Harry Alles, Raivo Jaaniso, Highly Sensitive NO2 Sensors by Pulsed Laser Deposition on Graphene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 (2016) 113108
  • Kairi Kivirand, Aare Floren, Margarita Kagan, Tea Avarmaa, Toonika Rinken, Raivo Jaaniso, Analyzing the Biosensor Signal in Flows: Studies with Glucose Optrodes, Talanta 131 (2015) 74

Recent invited and oral talks

  • Margus Kodu, Selective detection of toxic gases by arrays of single layer graphene sensors functionalized with nanolayers of different oxides, Eurosensors XXXV, Lecce, Italy, September 10-13, 2023.
  • Raivo Jaaniso, Graphene in gas sensors (invited), Innovation Workshop for Electronics and 2D-EPL, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, March 8-9. 2023.
  • Raivo Jaaniso, Graphene-based materials for E2-nose (invited), Graphene Flagship Divison II symposium, Rome, Italy, April 26-28, 2023.
  • Raivo Jaaniso, Designing oxide-on-graphene structures for smart gas sensors, Graphene Week, Munich, Germany, September 5-9, 2022.
  • Raivo Jaaniso, Graphene-based sensors for environmental monitoring (invited), FM&NT – NIBS 2022, Riga, Latvia, July 4-6, 2022.


Setup for electrical and optical gas sensor characterization. The computer-controlled measurement complex includes gas mixing stations (based on Brooks mass flow controllers), Keithley sourcemeters for electrical measurements and an optical spectrometer for optical measurements. Available special gases include O3, NO2, CO, CO2, NH3, H2S, SO2, acetone and ethanol (ppb-to-ppm range), which can be tested in the background of Ar, N2, O2, or their arbitrary mixtures with the relative humidity between 0 and 90%. The majority of test gases are 5N purity and fed from cylinders or permeation tubes; ozone is generated before mixing.

Pulsed laser deposition

Setup for pulsed laser deposition of thin films includes two UHV deposition chambers, UV excimer laser (Coherent COMPexPro 205,
wavelength 248 nm), and equipment for in-situ process monitoring (Woollam M2000x spectroscopic ellipsometer, Andor Echelle spectrograph for plasma spectroscopy).

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