Laboratory of Biophysics

  • We study the primary processes of bacterial photosynthesis spectroscopically and by computer modeling
  • The samples under study are pigment-protein complexes separated from natural or genetically modified photosynthetic bacteria. Several biochemisrty labs around the world provide us the samples.
  • We measure absorption, emission and polarization spectra from ultraviolet (protein bands) to near infrared (pigment bands).
  • Continuous wave lasers are used for high-resolution spectroscopy and ultrafast pulsed lasers for the measurement of emission decay kinetics.
  • A diamond anvil cell enables to apply to the samples hydrostatic pressure up to 50 kbar and a helium cryostat to cool them down to 10 K temperature.
  • Spectral and time-dependent data measured at different pressures and temperatures for various different complexes combined with the results of molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculations and the structure data give new information about the energy transfer processes in photosynthesis.
  • Additional info on biophysics lab is available from:
Arvi Freiberg
head of lab
professor in biophysics, dr. sci., academician,
TÜMRI chair of biophysics and plant physiology
Phone: 5645 3175, 737 4612
Office: D101
CV, references: ETIS, ORCID, Eesti TA
Google Scholar, Publons, Mendeley,
Scopus, Researchgate
Teaching: UT Study Info System ( + Search )
Supervision: UT DSpace
Margus Rätsep †
associate professor in optics and spectroscopy, PhD
CV, references: ETIS, ORCID
Mendeley, Scopus, Researchgate
Teaching: UT Study Info System ( + Search )
Supervision: UT DSpace
Kõu Timpmann
associate professor in biophysics, cand. sci.
Phone: 5345 6149, 737 4738, 737 4739
Office: D103, Lab: D113
CV, viited: ETIS, ORCID
Mendeley, Scopus, Researchgate
Teaching: UT Study Info System ( + Search )
Supervision: UT DSpace
Erko Jalviste foto
Erko Jalviste
research fellow in optics and spectroscopy, PhD
Phone: 505 2383, 737 4738
Office: D103
CV, references: ETIS, ORCID, LinkedIn
Google Scholar, Publons, Mendeley,
Scopus, Researchgate
Teaching: UT Study Info System ( + Search )
Liina Kangur
research fellow in biochemistry, PhD
Phone: 507 1061
Lab: D116
CV, references: ETIS
Mendeley, Scopus, Researchgate
Teaching: UT Study Info System ( + Search )
Supervision: UT DSpace
Kristjan Leiger
research fellow in biophysics, PhD
Phone: 737 4747
Office: D111, Lab: D115
CV, references: ETIS, ORCID
Mendeley, Scopus, Researchgate
Teaching: UT Study Info System ( + Search )
Supervision: UT DSpace
Ali Jafarov
MSc student
Alexandra Lehtmets
MSc student
Laura Hitrova
Joanna Liisa Orav
Helis Paas
Lee Vaalma

Picosecond fluorescence spectrochronograph (room D113)

  • Spectra Physics solid-state cw laser Millennia: 6 W output, wavelength 532 nm
  • Coherent femtosecond oscillator Mira-900: output power 1 W at 800 nm, tuning range 690 - 1000 nm, pulse width 120 fs, repetition rate 76 MHz
  • Pulse selector (APE): repetition rate of output pulses 15 kHz - 4 MHz, diffraction efficiency 60 %, contrast ratio > 100:1
  • Harmonic generator (APE): SHG: output wavelength range 350 - 500 nm, THG: output wavelength range 230 - 330 nm
  • Synchroscan streak camera: temporal resolution 5 ps, spectral response 400-1100 nm, repetition rate 76 MHz, signal amplification 1000
  • Time-correlated single-photon counting system SPC-150 (Becker & Hickl GmbH): IRF with id 100-20 detector (Quantique) is 60 ps, IRF with HPM 100-40 detector (B&H GmbH) is 160 ps
  • Double subtractive dispersion monochromator DTMc300 (Bentham instruments Ltd): focal length 0.6 m, scanning range 300-1200 nm, spectral resolution 0.05 nm
  • CCD cameras DV420A-OE and DU416A-LDC-DD (Andor Technology)
  • Liquid helium cryostat 4.2 - 300 K (Utreks)

Selective spectroscopy setup (room D114)

  • Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Agilent): 190-1100 nm
  • Solid-state cw laser Millennia(Spectra Physics): 10 W output, wavelength 532 nm
  • Model 375 dye laser (Spectra Physics): 565-700 nm
  • Model 3900S Ti:sapphire laser (Spectra Physics): 675-1060 nm, adjustable 2.1 - 15 GHz spectral bandwidth
  • Shamrock 303i spectrograph (Andor Technology)
  • Fibre-coupled monochromator THR1500 (Jobin Yvon)
  • CCD cameras DV420-OE and DV420A-OE (Andor Technology)
  • Liquid helium cryostat 1.8 - 300 K (Utreks)
  • Optistat DN liquid nitrogen cryostat 77 - 320 K (Oxford Instruments)

Microspectroscopy setup (room D115)

  • Inverted microscope IX-71 (Olympus)
  • Spectrograph Shamrock 303i (Andor Technology)
  • CCD camera DU-420A-BR-DD and EMCCD camera iXon 897 (Andor Technology)
  • He-Ne laser 25-LYR-173-230 (Melles-Griot): 594 nm, 2 mW
  • Nd-YAG laser (Viasho): 1064 nm, 1W

Circular dichroism (CD) spectrometry (room D116)

  • Chirascan-plus CD-spectrometer (Applied Photophysics): CD and absorption 180 – 1100 nm, fluorescence 200 - 850 nm
  • Spectrograph Kymera 193i (Andor Technology): 200 - 1100 nm

High-pressure instrumentation based on conventional and diamond anvil cells for optical measurements at variable pressures up to 50 kbar and temperatures down to 10 K

Tõnu Pullerits (1991)
Veera Krasnenko (2008)
Liina Kangur (2013)
Mihkel Pajusalu (2014)
Manoop Chenchiliyan (2016)

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