Defenses of bachelor and master studies

  • Bachelor's studies in Physics, chemistry and materials science in the speciality of Physics 06.06.2024 at 9:15 and 07.06.2024 at 9:15 in Physicum B103;
  • Bachelor's studies in Physics, chemistry and materials science in the speciality of Materials science 05.06.2024 and 06.06.2024 at 9:15 in Physicum A111;
  • Master's studies in Physics 10.06.2024 at 9:15 in Physicum B103;
  • Master's studies in Materials Science and Technology 06.06.2024 at 12:15 and 07.06.2023 at 9:15 in Physicum A111.
  • The student and the reviewer of his/her work are obliged to join the defense meeting at least 15 minutes before the official start time of the defense.

Time schedule of defenses in the Faculty can be found:

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