On February 7-19, Physicum was unusually crowded for a weekend, as there was a makeathon for innovative solutions to protect Ukraine.
Garage48 events in Physicum have reached certain regularity, and this year's Makeathon "Defense for Ukraine" focused on creating actual defense-related software and hardware solutions for Ukraine. Ukraine needs innovative, cost-effective, and quickly implemented defense solutions. The event brought together the fast-paced technology sector and the defense industry to promote cooperation and develop critical defense solutions. Topics solved over two days and nights included unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), logistics, medical solutions, critical infrastructure protection, and Identification of Friend and Foe. The prototypes created at Makeathon have great potential for applications and can be expected to have a real impact on the defense of Ukraine.
Garage48 Defence for Ukraine was co-organized with the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.