Raamatuesitlus: Galileo Galilei "Arutlusi ja matemaatilisi tõestuskäike" ja John D. Barrow "Uued kõiksuse teooriad"
Teisipäeval, 24. septembril 2024 kell 16:15
Physicumi auditoorium A106 ja BBB
Saateks kaks ettekannet:
Seminari videoülekanne ja salvestus BigBlueButtoni kanalil https://button.ut.ee/b/mar-8sl-8g6-mw7.
Peale ettekandeid on avatud väike kohvilaud ruumis A101. Kohapeal on võimalik osta raamatuid kirjastuse hinnaga.
Physicumi seminarid on mõeldud füüsikute ja materjaliteadlaste, aga ka teiste loodus- ja täppisteadlaste laiale ringile (alates bakalaureuse astme üliõpilastest) ning püüavad avada seda, mis mingis valdkonnas on parasjagu oluline ja uudne või kuhu teatud uurimissuund on tänaseks välja jõudnud.
Seminar toimub eesti keeles. Kõik huvilised on teretulnud.
Neljapäeval, 25. aprillil 2024 kell 16:15
Physicumi auditoorium A106 ja Zoom
Ettekanne on järelvaadatav.
Daniel Smith (Austraalia Swinburne Ülikool)
Hiljutised edusammud astronoomia aparatuuri arendamisel on soodustanud spektroskoopilise analüüsi jaoks mõeldud fiiberoptikaga instrumentide levikut. Ühendkuningriigi Schmidti teleskoobis (UKST) kasutatav innovatiivne Austraalia päritolu seade Starbugs paigutatakse teleskoobi fokaaltasandisse ning selle abil saavutatakse fiiberoptika täpne sidestus spektrograafidega. Starbugi kasutusele võtmine suurematel teleskoopidel, nagu Kecki teleskoobil, Giantsel Magellani Teleskoobil (GMT) või Väga Suurel Teleskoobil (VLT), nõuab selle disaini täiustamist ja laiaribaliste optiliste materjalide kasutumist . Käesolevas esitluses käsitletakse uusi meetodeid erinevate materjalide (nt safiir) disainimiseks ja lasertootmiseks ning uuritakse nende potentsiaali astronoomiaalaste rakenduste (nt Starbugs) täiustamisel.
Neljapäeval, 28. märtsil 2024 kell 16:15
Physicumi auditoorium A106 ja Zoom
Ettekanne on järelvaadatav.
Kristjan Eimre (Lausanne Šveitsi föderaalne tehnoloogiainstituut EPFL)
Arvutustehnoloogia võimsus on alates 1970. aastatest iga 2 aasta tagant kahekordistunud, mis on dramaatiliselt suurendanud arvutusteaduse tähtsust ja võimalusi. Materjaliteaduses on kvantmehaanilised simulatsioonid (näiteks tihedusfunktsionaaliteoorial põhinevad) nüüdseks teaduslik protsessi tavapärane osa. Neid kasutatakse mitte ainult katsete toetamiseks, vaid ka uute teooriate pakkumiseks, materjali omaduste ennustamiseks ja uute materjalide väljatöötamiseks. Viimase kümnendi jooksul on muutunud võimalikuks läbi viia kõrge läbilaskevõimega kvantmehaanilisi simulatsioone, kiirendades oluliselt materjalide avastamist, kuid tekitades ka uusi väljakutseid.
Oleme välja töötanud avatud teaduse platvormi, et lahendada kõrge läbilaskevõimega materjaliteaduse arvutuste väljakutseid. AiiDA [1] on arvutuslik infrastruktuuriprojekt, mis pakub skaleeritavat töövoomootorit. See salvestab automaatselt kõik simulatsioonide andmete lähteinfo, muutes need reprodutseeritavaks. Lisaks AiiDA kasutamisele mitmesugustes suure läbilaskevõimega uuringutes, on teda hiljuti kasutatud ka tihedusfunktsionaalse teooria programmide kontrollimiseks ja täiustamiseks [2]. Materials Cloud [3] (https://www.materialscloud.org) on arvutusliku materjaliteaduse levitamise platvorm, mis toimib ka AiiDA andmebaaside esiküljena, muutes need teaduslikule kogukonnale kättesaadavaks. AiiDAlab [3] pakub platvormi AiiDA töövoogude jagamiseks hõlpsasti kasutatavate veebirakendustena, mida saab otse veebibrauseris käivitada, võimaldades keerulisi simulatsioone käivitada ka vähem kogenud kasutajatel. Samuti teeme jõupingutusi materjaliteaduse andmebaaside üldisemalt koostalitlusvõimeliseks muutmiseks, panustades universaalsete materjalide andmete rakendusliidestesse ja implementeerides neid vastavalt OPTIMADE spetsifikatsioonile (https://www.optimade.org/) [5].
[1] Huber, S. P. et al. AiiDA 1.0, a scalable computational infrastructure for automated reproducible workflows and data provenance. Scientific Data 7, 300 (2020).
[2] Bosoni, E. et al. How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows. Nat Rev Phys 6, 45–58 (2024).
[3] Talirz, L. et al. Materials Cloud, a platform for open computational science. Sci Data 7, 299 (2020).
[4] Yakutovich, A. V. et al. AiiDAlab – an ecosystem for developing, executing, and sharing scientific workflows. Computational Materials Science 188, 110165 (2021).
[5] Evans, M. L. et al. Developments and applications of the OPTIMADE API for materials discovery, design, and data exchange. Preprint at https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.00572 (2024).
Neljapäeval, 21. märtsil 2024 kell 16:15
Physicumi auditoorium A106 ja Zoom
Ettekanne on järelvaadatav.
Indrek Renge (Tartu Ülikool)
Tuumaenergeetika areng viimase 40 a. jooksul paistab üsna aeglane ja samas on selle levik erinevates riikides silmatorkavalt ebaühtlane. Tuumaenergiaga seotud probleemid vajavad ilmselt laiemat loodusteaduslikku analüüsi. Alustades kasvõi sellest, et ainsat lõhustuvat nukliidi 235U leidub üliväikeses koguses (0,7%). Kõige levinumad isotoobid 232Th ja 238U, mida nimetatakse ka „fertiilseteks“, vajavad energia vallandamiseks kahte neutronit. Lõhustumise käigus moodustuvad radioaktiivsed fragmendid (valemis märgitud punasega):
23592U + 10n → 78-86,9136Kr + 130-138,14256Ba + 310n + 200 MeV.
Need aatomid toimivad ühtlasi neutronite neelajatena/mürkidena. Kui hüpoteetilises ahelreaktsioonis tekiksid stabiilsed isotoobid (mustaga tähistatud vahemikus), vabastades 10–20 neutronit, siis oleks raskete tuumade lagundamise ahelprotsessi palju lihtsam teostada. Pidev vajadus reaktsioonisaadusi eemaldada vähendab rängalt protsessi majanduslikku tõhusust. Nominaalselt CO2-vaba energiaallikana kaalutakse viimasel kümnendil tuumade lõhustamist väikestes moodulreaktorites (SMR), väljundvõimsusega <5 MW kuni 300 MW, kasutades kütusena 5–20%-ni rikastatud uraani [1–2]. Valdavalt rõhutatakse SMR-ide eeliseid stabiilse elektrivajaduse katmisel, pisendades samal ajal U kaevandamise, eraldamise ja rikastamise, aga ka keemilise ümbertöötlemise ning jäätmete käitlemise kulusid. Ettekanne keskendub viimati nimetatud vähem tulusatele tuumatehnoloogia aspektidele. Siiski jõutakse järelduseni, et SMR-l on eeliseid võrreldes olemasolevate suurte tuumajaamadega (~1 GW). Kuigi ligikaudu 100 välja pakutud SMR-i disaini ootavad ehitamist ja katsetamist [2], ei ole tegemist põhimõtteliselt uue, läbimurdelise tehnoloogiaga. Üksnes neutronite sõltumatu genereerimine, näit. kiirendite abil, annaks võimaluse vaesestatud U hiiglaslike varude (~2 miljonit tonni) ja juba kasutatud kütusevarraste peaaegu täielikuks ärakasutamiseks, mistõttu tuleks neid mõlemaid ladustada kättesaadaval viisil.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_modular_reactor.
[2] Advances in Small Modular Reactor Technology Developments, 2022, 424 pp. https://aris.iaea.org/Publications/SMR_booklet_2022.pdf.
Neljapäeval, 9. mail 2024 kell 16:15
Physicumi auditoorium A106 ja Zoom
Dr. Jitraporn (Pimm) Vongsvivut (infrapuna mikrospektroskoopia kiirekanal, ANSTO - Austraalia sünkrotron)
Seminar on järelvaadatav.
Sünkrotronkiirgusel põhinev Fourier infrapuna (s-FTIR) mikrospektroskoopia on laialdaselt kasutusel materjalide molekulaarsete omaduste uurimiseks ruumilise lahutusvõimega 6–8 µm. Esitluse esimene osa annab sissejuhatuse Austraalia sünkrotroni infrapuna mikrospektroskoopia (IRM) kiirekanali standardsetest seadistustest ja tutvustab uusimaid arenguid komposiitmaterjalide uuringutest 4-nurga polarisatsioonitehnikaga ja katalüütiliste reaktsioonide in-situ jälgimist.
Teine osa ettekandest keskendub konkreetselt "sünkrotron makro ATR-FTIR" meetodil põhineva kõrglahutusega molekulaarse karakteriseerimise tehnoloogia edusammudele. Esitletakse mõnda majasiseselt välja töötatud sünkrotron makro ATR-FTIR seadet, mis põhinevad hübriid ja pehme kontaktiga piesoelektriliselt juhitavatel makro ATR-FTIR seadmetel. ATR kristallide kõrge murdumisnäitaja tõttu saab selle tehnika ühendamisel sünkrotron infrapuna kiirgusega ruumilist lahutusvõimet veelgi parandada, võimaldades pindade keemiliste ühendite kaardistamist ruumilise lahutusvõimega kuni 1–2 μm. Neid Austraalia sünkrotronile ainuomaseid makro ATR-FTIR meetodeid on kasutatud Austraalia uurimisteemade toetamiseks. Ettekandes tutvustatakse peamisi rakendusi alates piimatoodetest, mikrokapslilisanditest ja bioaktiivsest antimikroobsest kattest, kuni teraskateteni, ämblikuvõrgu/süsinikkiu ja akudeni.
Neljapäeval, 22. veebruaril 2024 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja Zoom
Seminar on järelvaadatav.
Jaak Kikas
Heidame tehnoloogia arengule mõneti ootamatu kõrvaltpilgu ja vaatleme seda bioloogilise evolutsiooni regulaarse jätkuna. Mis on neis kahes protsessesis ühist ja millised on erinevused? Kuhu taolised arengud viia võivad, mida tähendavad Homo sapiensile ja teistele bioloogilise elu vormidele Maal? Millised sümbioosid on võimalikud ja millised konfliktid vältimatud? Muidugi sisaldab ettekanne ka spekulatsioone, teisalt tugineb aga objektiivsete – jälgitavate ja mõõdetavate – protsesside analüüsile.
Pärast seminari on võimalus mõttevahetust jätkata kohvilauas ja Valdek Lauri näitusel „Mükobotid“.
Seminar toimus eesti keeles.
Neljapäeval, 11. jaanuaril 2024 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja Zoom
Video on järelvaadatav.
Kaarel Piip (Kaitseväe Akadeemia elektroonilise võitluse kompetentsikeskuse juhataja-juhtivteadur)
Ettekandes antakse ülevaate 2022. aastal Kaitseväe Akadeemias tegevust alustanud elektroonilise võitluse kompetentsikeskuse tegemistest ning elektromagnetspektri kasutamisest militaarvaldkonnas laiemalt keskendudes spektri raadiosageduslikule osale. Tutvustatakse käimasolevaid ja algavaid projekte ning võimalikke koostöökohti füüsika instituudiga. Käsitletakse veidi detailsemalt ka mõne elektroonilise võitluse probleemiga seotud füüsika aspekte.
Seminar toimus eesti keeles.
Neljapäeval, 7. detsembril 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja Zoom
Video on järelvaadatav.
Kaasprofessor Tomi Sebastian Koivisto (Tartu Ülikool)
Fundamental interactions in the Standard Model of particle physics are described by quantum gauge theory. I will present our novel approach to gauge interactions at the foundation of a new Standard Model which includes General Relativity. It entails a completion of the latter theory and suggests a possible rationale for the emergence of the Universe and its (apparently, mostly dark) contents. Rather than by adding new speculative assumptions, the proposed foundation arises by removing the scaffolding of observer-independent spacetime ingrained into current formulations of fundamental physics.
Neljapäeval, 12. oktoobril 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum B103
Video on järelvaadatav
Akad Prof Peeter Saari (Tartu Ülikool)
Kirjeldame mõningaid murrangulisi leiutisi impulsslaserite arengus üha lühemate välkekestuste poole. Tutvume lähemalt atosekund-impulsside tekitamise ja ülikiirete prosesside uurimises rakendamise meetoditega. Sekka meenutame seiku impulsslaseritest FIs.
Nobeli Füüsikapreemia laureaadid Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz ja Anne L'Huillier.
Esmaspäeval, 02. oktoobril 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum A111 ja Zoom
Prof. Ivo Ihrke (University of Siegen, Germany)
The talk will first give an overview of the computational imaging activities at the University of Siegen before specializing towards the topic of comptutational microscopy. In particular, the group of Prof. Ivo Ihrke has been investigating light field microscopy in different configurations and is currently working on Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy. Within these areas, the group has been developing theory as well as looking into commonly ignored effects like vignetting and aberrations. The presentation will report on some of the findings and discuss the current work.
Bio: Ivo Ihrke is professor of Computational Sensing at University of Siegen, Germany. Prior to joining Siegen, he was a staff scientist at the Carl Zeiss research department, which he joined on-leave from Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, where he was a permanent researcher. At Inria he lead the research project "Generalized Image Acquisition and Analysis" which was supported by an Emmy-Noether fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Prior to that he was heading a research group within the Cluster of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction" at Saarland University. He was an Associate Senior Researcher at the MPI Informatik, and associated with the Max-Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communications. Before joining Saarland University he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. He received a MS degree in Scientific Computing from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden and a PhD (summa cum laude) in Computer Science from Saarland University. He is interested in all aspects of Computational Imaging, including theory, mathematical modeling, algorithm design and their efficient implementation, as well as hardware concepts and their experimental realization and characterization.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 28. septembril 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 and Zoom
Prof. Tommi K. Hakala (University of Eastern Finland) ja Dr. Antti J. Moilanen (ETH Zürich)
Seminar on järelvaadatav.
Korraldas: Siim Pikker (Tartu Ülikool) Seminari on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur PSG406.
Selles ettekandes tutvustame pinnaplasmon resonantse, st metallilstest nanoosakestel esinevaid optiliste sageduste resonantse. Erilist tähelepanu pööratakse resonantsidele nanoosakeste maatriksites, kus üksikute osakeste vahelised kiirgusväljad sidestuvad osaksestest moodustunud maatriksi/võre difraksiooni järkudega. Sellised osakeste maatriksid on ideaalsed süsteemid valguse ja aine vastasmõjude uurimiseks tänu resonantsete väljade suurele elektriväljatugevusele ja resonantsi reguleeritavusele osakeste suuruse, kuju ja materjali ning võrgustiku perioodilisuse ja võrgustiku sümmeetriaomaduste kaudu. Toome esile mõned meie hiljutised leiud nendes süsteemides, hõlmates nõrka ja tugevat sidestatust (weak and strong coupling) plasmonite ning orgaaniliste fluorestseeruvate molekulide vahel üksikute footonite piiril ning laserina töötamise režiimis ja Bose-Einsteini kondensatsiooni korral nii nõrgalt kui ka tugevalt sidestatud süsteemides.
Joonis 1. Illustration of the formation of a Bose-Einstein'i condensate in a plasmonic lattice.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Reedel, 9. juunil 2023 kell 13:15
Physicum A106 and Zoom
Seminar on järelvaadatav.
Prof Raul Vicente Zafra (Tartu Ülikool)
Sel reedel toimuval kiletehnoloogia labori ja Physicumi laiendatud seminaril esineb Raul Vicente Zafra TÜ arvutiteaduste instituudist. Raul Vicente Zafra on füüsikataustaga maailmatasemel tehisintellekti ja masinõppe tippspetsialist. Oma ettekandes tutvustab Raul tehisnärvivõrke ning nende seoseid varasemate füüsika ja statistilise füüsika mudelitega.
Professor Zafra on üks eesti juhtiv teadlane arvutusliku neuroteaduse valdkonnas. Olles oma taustalt füüsik, viis Raul Vicente Zafra oma järeldoktorantuuri õpingud läbi Max Plancki nimelises aju-uuringute instituudis Saksamaal.
Artikkel ”Raul Vicente Zafra soovib, et mõistaksime tehisintellekti”:
Rohkem infot: https://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raul_Vicente_Zafra
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
teisipäeval, 6. juunil 2023 kell 14:15
Physicum A106 ja Teams
Dr Matthias Weiszflog ja Inga Goetz (Uppsala University)
3D printing of metallic glasses and composites (Inga Goetz):
Printing can circumvent cooling rate limitations of traditional techniques to produce bulk metallic glass parts. The additive process can additionally be used to tailor structure, chemistry, and properties at selected positions on a component and envision different types of customized composites.
Neutron diagnostic for fusion plasmas (Matthias Weiszflog):
Neutrons from fusion reactions provide information on the fusion rate and plasma temperature as well as on the spacial and energy distribution of the fuel ion. Their detection requires sophisticated and well characterized instruments. Detection and calibration techniques will be discussed.
Collaborative physics teaching:
Starting from course adaption during the COVID pandemic, we describe our journey from remote laboratories to interdisciplinary virtual exchanges and future plans in collaboration with Tartu University.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 11. mail 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum A106
Seminar on järelvaadatav UTTVs.
Dr Ujjal Gautam (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali)
The reduction of plastic waste is a research priority, leading to many innovative approaches to convert them into useful materials. In this talk, I will summarize our ongoing work on a strategy for converting waste plastic into photocatalytic carbon quantum dots (CQDs) in a residue-free and impurity-free manner. I will further discuss a unique property that the CQDs exhibit an ability to ‘harvest molecular oxygen’ from the air, thereby resulting in ultrahigh photocatalytic oxidation efficiency in chemical transformations. We further found that the amount of oxygen adsorbed on the CQD surfaces is different in the dark and under light. The excitons generated by light induce desorption of the O2, a phenomenon that we have named as ‘light-induced hypoxia’. We also demonstrated recently that when not performing any reaction, the CQDs exhibit self-sensitized photo-oxidation and produce CO2, thus removing themselves from the reaction media, which we term as ‘CQD-autophagy’ and beneficial as removal of photocatalysts is an expensive process in industrial-scale applications. See more from: https://www.iisermohali.ac.in/faculty/dcs/ujjalgautam
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 04. mail 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja Zoom
Seminar on järelvaadatav UTTVs.
Raivo Jaaniso (TÜ)
Graphene Flagship on üks neljast Euroopa komisjoni suurest teadusinitsiatiivist, mille ühisnimetajaks on Euroopa digitaalse tuleviku kujundamine ning fookusteks grafeen, inimaju, kvant- ja akutehnoloogiad. Grafeeniprojekt sai hiljuti 10-aastaseks ning ettekande esimeses pooles antakse linnulennult ülevaade saavutatust. Ettekande teine pool käsitleb Flagship’i poolt toetatud uuringuid füüsika instituudis.
Seminar toimus eesti keeles.
Neljapäeval, 23. märtsil 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja Zoom
Seminar on järelvaadatav UTTVs.
Mart Maasik (EIK ja UniTartu Ventures juht), Aivar Pere (Ettevõtlus konsultant), Triinu Lööve (Hargettevõteteprogrammi juht), Siimeon Pilli (Uusettevõtluse koordinaator), Vallo Mulk (Rahvusvahelise teadustöö peaspetsialist)
Tartu Ülikooli Ettevõtlus- ja innovatsioonikeskuse (EIK) ja Grandikeskuse esindajad tutvustavad Physicumi seminaril erinevaid ettevõtluskoostöö võimalusi ja TÜ poolt pakutavat tuge nende võimaluste realiseerimiseks. Seminaril tutvustatakse ka TÜ teaduspõhiste äriideede arenguprogrammi „Teadusest äriks!“, mis viib Eesti kõrgkoolide teadlased ja kraadiõppurid kokku Eestis tegutsevate investorkogukondade ja ärimentoritega. See koolitus on kasulik ka neile, kes ei kavatse kohe asuda oma ettevõtet tegema aga tahavad ettevõtluskoostööks vajalikke teadmisi täiendada. https://ut.ee/et/sisu/24-martsini-saab-kandideerida-ulikooli-teaduspohiste-iduettevotete-arenguprogrammi-teadusest
Seminar toimus inglise keeles
Neljapäeval, 26. jaanuaril 2023 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja Zoom
Prof. Joseph Rosen (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Iisrael)
Optiline pildistamine on looduses ja tehnoloogias tuntud juba aastakümneid. Hiljuti on välja pakutud ja demonstreeritud uusi optilise pildistamise meetodeid, mis toetuvad arvutusliku kuva tehnikatele. Ettekandes kirjeldame mitmeid uusi kolmemõõtmelise optilise pildistamise tehnikaid alates Fresneli mittekoherentsest korrelatsiooniholograafiast (FINCH) kuni interferentsivaba kodeeritud avakorrelatsiooniholograafiani (COACH). Nende süsteemidel pildistamise võimekus erinev tavapäraselt kasutatavatest tehnikatest. FINCH ja COACH on meetodid kolmemõõtmeliste digitaalsete hologrammide salvestamiseks. COACH-i saab täiendavalt kasutada mitmete teiste koherentsete ja mittekoherentsete optika rakenduste jaoks. Ettekandes uurime hologrammsalvestiste peamisi konfiguratsioone FINCH- ja COACH-süsteemides. Iga disaini puhul kirjeldame mõningaid nende salvestite hiljutisi rakendusi optilises pildistamises. Arutame nende pildistamismeetodite võimalikke rakendusi, alates uue põlvkonna fluorestsentsmikroskoopidest kuni mitteinvasiivse pildistamise meetoditeni hajutuskeskkonna kaudu.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 24. novembril 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum B103 ja Zoom
Marta Berholts (TÜ)
In this talk, I will present the concept of the quantum watch that was developed during my postdoctoral project at Uppsala University in the HELIOS laser laboratory. The watch consists of a helium atom that is excited into a wave packet of Rydberg states using an ultrashort laser pulse with a wide energy bandwidth. Rydberg states are excited states in atoms that exhibit long lifetimes and have orbitals that extend micrometers away from the atomic core. By coherently exciting more than one Rydberg state, it is possible to perform quantum beat spectroscopy where the energy difference between the states results in constructive and destructive interference of the photoelectron yield. We found a remarkably rich beat structure in the time-resolved photoelectron yield when exciting multiple Rydberg states located close to He ionisation potential. Furthermore, we found an almost perfect agreement between simulations and the complex, almost chaotic, experimental signal. With this quantum watch, we show how to measure time in a different way, not by counting the clock's ticks as it is usually done, but by obtaining time fingerprints and therefore knowing the time very accurately on the femtosecond timescale without using a counter. The quantum watch has the potential to become a valuable tool in time-resolved spectroscopy. The study is recently published in Physical Review Research journal https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4….
Joonis. Simulated photoelectron yield as a function of the delay between two laser pulses. Top: wave packet consists from two Rydberg states. No time fingerprint could be obtained. Bottom: wave packet consists from 40 Rydberg states. Time fingerprint is created.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles
Neljapäeval, 10. novembril 2022 kell 16:15
Seminar on järelvaadatav [video]
Prof Saulius Juodkazis (Swinburne tehnikaülikool, Austraalia)
High average power 10W and high repetition rate ~1 MHz of ultra-short sub-1 ps lasers have become a widely available, affordable and reliable tool for material processing. We showed that average power of ultra-short lasers is increasing exponentially and follows the Moore’s law from 2000 [1]. Review of current developments in industrial applications of ultra-short lasers will be presented with focus on laser ablation, patterning, nanoscale alloying, and nano-texturing over large areas with cross sections in tens-of-centimeters.
Current strength of fs-laser processing is in the fields of micro- machining: cutting, drilling, inscribing refractive index patterns and waveguides. Complexity of approaches where fs-laser microfabrication is combined with other material processing steps including plasma etching and sputtering, thermal post-processing further strengthens versatility of fs-laser micro-fabrication. Radiation of X-rays and THz from the light-matter interaction region during laser processing can be used for characterisation of interactions as well as utilised as a radiation source. We review recent results.
[1] M. Han, D. Smith, S.H. Ng, V. Anand, T. Katkus, S. Juodkazis, Ultra-Short-Pulse Lasers—Materials—Applications, 2021, Eng. Proc., 11, 44.
Saulius Juodkazis is Professor of nanophotonics and Director of the nanotechnology facility at Swinburne’s Centre for Micro-Photonics. His current research is focused on applying principles of light-field enhancement and its spectral control for applications in micro-optics, sensing, solid-state lighting, and solar energy conversion.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 3. novembril 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum B103 ja Zoom
Seminar on järelvaadatav [video]
Dr. Sergei Vlassov ja Elyad Damerchi esitlevad seminaril hiljuti hangitud seadet, mis võimaldab skaneerivas elektronmikroskoobis asuvaid väikseid objekte kuumutada reaalajaliste mõõtmiste käigus kuni 800 kraadini. Ettekandes tutvustatakse seadme peamisi omadusi ja piiranguid ja näidatakse esimesi katsetulemusi soojendamise mõjust hõbe ja kulla nanoosakeste morfoloogiale.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 20. oktoobril 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum B103 ja Zoom
Seminar on järelvaadatav [video]
Tänavuse Nobeli füüsikapreemia pälvisid Alain Aspect, John Clauser ja Anton Zeilinger kvantpõimitud osakestega läbi viidud katsete eest. Need katsed on kvantinformatsiooni edastamise ja töötlemise tehnoloogia arengu alguspunkt.
Seminari kavas on lühikesed ettekanded TÜ füüsika instituudi ja IQM Finland OY teadlastelt:
Seminar toimus eesti keeles.
Neljapäeval, 13. oktoobril 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum A106
Artur Tamm (TÜ arvutusliku füüsika kaasprofessor)
Järelvaadatav [video]
Kõrge entroopiaga sulamid on materjalide klass, mis koosnevad mitmest põhikomponendist võrdsetes kogustes. Elementide arvukus suurendab entroopia panust vabaenergiasse ning selle läbi stabiliseerib korrastuseta oleku. Suur varieeruvus materjalis on kasulik rakendustes, kus materjal peab vastu pidama keerulistes tingimustes, nagu näiteks intensiivne kiirgus või korrosioon. Kõrge entroopiaga sulamite omadusi on võimalik kujundada elementide koostise muutmisega.
Cantori sulam koosneb viiest metallilisest elemendist (NiCrCoFeMn) ning seda kasutatakse tüüpmaterjalina kõrge entroopiaga sulamite omaduste uurimisel. Enamlevinud eelduseks on elementide juhuslik paigutus materjalis. Hiljutusid arvutuslikud ning eksperimentaalsed uurimistööd on näidanud, et "keskmise" entroopiaga sulamites esineb lähikorrastus.
Meie arvutuslik uuring keskendub lähikorrastuse uurimisele Cantori sulamis. Lisaks analüüsime kuidas lähikorrastuse olemasolu mõjutab defektide energiaid sulamis ning vesiniku sidumisvõimet.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 06. oktoobril 2022 kell 16:15
Teams: Click here to join the meeting
Martin Sláma (Product marketing manager)
TESCAN FIB/SEM system and TEM lamella preparation
Mr. Martin Sláma, Product marketing manager for FIB SEM, TESCAN will give and overview presentation about Tescan Amber FIB-SEM system and its applications.
More info about Amber FIB-SEM can ve found from the brochure: https://tescan.canto.global/b/ICHNV
Seminar toimus inglise keeles, esinejad osalesid üle Teamsi.
Neljapäeval, 22. septembril 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum A106
Akad prof Markku Kulmala (Helsingi Ülikool)
Meie ainsa planeedi hüvanguks
Seminar on järelvaadatav [video].
Understanding the details responsible for the changing climate are under constant research and new atmospheric physical and chemical mechanisms are discovered constantly. Academician professor Markku Kulmala will give an overview of the recent research highlights done in the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research at University of Helsinki.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 15. septembril 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja veebis Teams
Daniel Phifer (Thermo Fisher Scientific.)
Ülevaade Helios 5 DualBeam Technology arengutest
The move to Helios 5 series DualBeam platform has introduced several features for ease of use, updates to automation and new configuration options. Chief among these are the alignment automation for the SEM (no user alignments), “Flash” one button focus-stig.-lens align, and automated on-demand FIB alignments. Additionally, AutoTEM 5 and AutoSlice and View 5 were released to increase robustness and flexibility. New options such as CleanConnect (inert transfer), rotatable cryo stage and a cryo-EasyLift manipulator also expand options.
Base models for Helios 5 include Ga+ and Xe+ or Xe/O/N/Ar FIB sources. On top of this models can be extended with fs laser for cutting deep or wide trenches. This presentation will introduce much of this technology to help you think about what could be useful for your future research needs.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 8. septembril 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja veebis Zoom
Sven Oras (TTÜ) ja Tauno Tiirats (TÜ)
Kokkuvõte FCC nädalast
Järelvaadatav [video]
19. aprillil 2022 allkirjastas Tartu ülikool CERNiga vastastikuse mõistmuse memorandumi tuleviku ringkiirendi (FCC) ehitamiseks. FCC seisust ja võimalikest koostööpunktidest antakse ülevaade igal aastal toimuval konverentsil FCC week. Sven Oras ja Tauno Tiirats võtsid konverentsist osa ja tutvustavad erinevaid valdkondi, millega FFC arendamise puhul tegeletakse ja otsitakse kollaboratsiooni.
Seminar toimus eesti keeles, ettekannete slaidid olid koostatud ja küsimusi võis esitada ka inglise keeles.
Teisipäeval, 6. septembril 2022, kell 16:15
Physicum A106
Teoreetilise füüsika seminar/ Physicumi seminar: Raamatuesitlus
Saateks kaks ettekannet:
Ülekanne ka BigBlueButtoni kanalil: https://button.ut.ee/b/mar-8sl-8g6-mw7.
Pärast ettekandeid on avatud väike kohvilaud ruumis A101. Kohapeal on võimalik osta raamatuid kirjastuse hinnaga.
Üritus Facebookis.
Neljapäeval, 16. juunil 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja veebis Zoom
Vijayakumar Anand (TÜ arvutusliku kuva kaasprofessor)
FINCHing objects with a super-resolution – Fundamentals to Applications
Fresnel Incoherent Correlation Holography (FINCH) invented by Joseph Rosen and Gary Brooker is a milestone in the history of holography. FINCH has the ability to break the Lagrange invariant conditions and exhibit a super resolution which makes it an attractive imaging tool for various applications. The versatility of FINCH enabled it as a resolution booster suitable for integration with other super resolution imaging techniques such as structured illumination. In this talk, the basic differences between coherent and incoherent imaging systems and the concept of FINCH will be introduced. Some interesting hybridization approaches with coded aperture correlation holography and structured illumination will be presented. The talk will conclude with the description of the current state of the art FINCH technology.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 7. aprillil 2022 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja veebis Zoom
Järelvaadatav [Video]
Seekordse Ukraina teadusteemalise seminari eesmärk on osutada tähelepanu ja rõhutada ukrainlaste panusele füüsika ajaloos ning tänapäevases füüsikas ja näidata sõja hävitavat mõju Ukraina teadusele. Seminaril esitatakse lühike ülevaade mitmetest tuntutest Ukrainaga seotud füüsikutest ja Tartu Ülikoolis tegutsevate füüsikute ning inseneride teadustööst:
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 17. veebruaril 2022 kell 16:15
Veebis Zoom keskkonnas
Järelvaadatav Video
9. veebruaril 2022 avaldas EUROfusion konsortsium viimaste kümnendite olulisima tuumasünteesi alase uudise - Ühendkuningriigis Oxfordis asuvas maailma suurimas tuumasünteesi rajatises Joint European Torus (JET) saavutati ajalooline tuumasünteesi energiarekord. Protsessi käigus vabanes 5 sekundi jooksul 59 MJ energiat, mis ületab peaaegu kolmekordselt 1997. aastast püsinud varasemat energiarekordit. Rekordtulemus saavutati EUROfusion konsortsiumi poolt läbi viidud katseseerias, mille eesmärgiks oli testida kahe aastakümne jooksul kogunenud teadmisi tuumasünteesi vallas ja valmistuda parimal viisil rahvusvahelise ITERi projekti alguseks. Mõne aasta pärast Prantsusmaal valmiv ITER on JETi mantlipärija, mis peab näitama tuumasünteesil põhineva energia teaduslikku ja tehnoloogilist teostatavust.
Physicumi seminaril antakse lühike ülevaade JET rekordtulemustest, sellele eelnenud ajaloost ja järgnevatest plaanidest. Seejärel tutvustavad füüsika instituudi teadlased meie tegevusi tuumasünteesi uuringuid koordineerivas EUROfusion konsortsiumis.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Teisipäeval, 04. jaanuaril 2022 kell 16:15
Veebis Zoom keskkonnas
Artur Tamm (TÜ arvutusliku füüsika kaasprofessor)
Mittetasakaalulised protsessid klassikalises molekulaardünaamikas
Ettekandes tutvustan värskeid arenguid mittetasakaaluliste protsesside simuleerimisel klassikalises molekulaardünaamikas, mis hõlmab elektronide ja ioonide vastastikmõju. Kõigepealt näitan, kuidas meie poolt loodud uudset mudelit saab kasutada laserite poolt ergastatud metalliliste süsteemide arengu uurimiseks. Seejärel tutvustan pooljuhtide ja väga erinevate süsteemide käsitsemise uusi arenguid.
Seminar toimus inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 28. oktoobril 2021 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja veebis Zoom
Kalev Tarkpea
Alates aastast 2016 toimib varasema füüsika või materjaliteaduse bakalaureuseõppe asemel füüsika, keemia ja materjaliteaduse (FKM) õppekava, milles üliõpilast asutakse lõputöö kirjutamiseks ette valmistama juba 2. õppeaastal. See algab aines LTFY.01.012 Loodusteadusliku meetodi seminar (LTMS) ning jätkub 3. aasta aines LTFY.01.013 Lõputöö seminar. Tudengite-poolne juhendaja valimine toimub enam mitte 3. aasta sügisel vaid enamasti oluliselt varem. Ettekandes tuleb juttu asjaoludest, mida peaksid arvestama need akadeemilised töötajad, kes sooviksid olla FKM üliõpilastele lõputöö juhendajateks. Millised strateegiad pakutava teema atraktiivsuse suurendamisel on seni osutunud edukateks ja millised vähem edukateks? Ühtlasi saab tehtud mõningane kokkuvõte LTMS ja Lõputöö seminari õppejõudude senisest kogemusest nende ainete läbiviimisel.
Seekordne Physicumi seminar on mõeldud ennekõike Physicumi töötajatele.
Kolmapäeval, 20. oktoobril 2021 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja veebis Zoom
Järelvaadatav video
Tänavuse Nobeli füüsikapreemia pälvisid Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, kes modelleerisid Maa kliimat ja ennustasid usaldusväärselt globaalset soojenemist ning Giorgio Parisi, kes avastas peidetud mustreid isegi näiliselt korrapäratutes materjalides. Seminari kavas on lühikesed ettekanded TÜ füüsika instituudi teadlastelt:
Pildil: Nobeli füüsikapreemia laureaadid 2021 Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann ja Giorgio Parisi (autor Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Media)
NB! Kohalviibijatele kehtivad Tartu Ülikooli suunised viiruse leviku tõkestamiseks, st nõue esitada COVID-tõendit vaktsineerituse, läbipõdemise või varasemalt tehtud negatiivse testi tulemuste kohta.
Teisipäeval, 31. augustil kell 16:15 TÜ Physicumi suures auditooriumis A106 (W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu)
Saateks kaks ettekannet
Peale ettekandeid on avatud väike kohvilaud ruumis A101. Kohapeal on võimalik osta raamatuid kirjastuse hinnaga.
Üritusest on ülekanne ka BigBlueButtoni kanalil
NB! Kohalviibijatele kehtivad Tartu Ülikooli suunised viiruse leviku tõkestamiseks, st nõue kanda maski või olla valmis näitama koroonapassi.
Esmaspäeval, 10. mail 2021 kell 16:15
Zoom ja järelvaadatav video
Adam S. Backer (Apple Inc., USA)
Pushing the Limits of Single Molecule Microscopy
In recent years, the fluorescence microscope has transformed the field of biological imaging. Using single-molecule methods and machine-learning-assisted reconstruction algorithms, it is now possible to resolve structures an order of magnitude smaller than the wavelength of light, thus achieving super-resolution. My research seeks to enhance the computational and optical tools that underpin super-resolution microscopy. By constructing non-traditional microscopes that record additional physical parameters on a molecule-by-molecule basis, we stand to gain unique insights into a variety of biological and materials systems. In my talk today, I will first present one of my Ph.D. projects developing three-dimensional super-resolution methods and describe how this work will benefit from emerging nanophotonic technologies such as optical metasurfaces. Next, I will present a recent project using fluorescence polarization and optical tweezers to reveal hidden structural features of the DNA molecule. Finally, I will discuss how this methodological toolkit could be further expanded to realize adaptive, task-aware imaging systems.
Adam’s work aims to create nanophotonic devices, optical techniques, and computational algorithms to investigate biological systems at the nanoscale. He has pursued an eclectic mix of research topics and enjoyed collaborations with industrial and academic labs around the world. Adam is currently an optical engineer at Apple, and recently completed a Harry S. Truman Fellowship at Sandia National Labs. Adam received his Ph.D. in Computational Mathematical Engineering from Stanford in 2016, where he performed his doctoral research in the lab of W. E. Moerner. He also holds an M.Phil. in Engineering from Cambridge University, and a B.S. in Engineering and Physics from Brown University.
Neljapäeval, 21. jaanuaril 2021 kell 16:15
Zoom ja video
19. juunil peaminister allkirjastas ning 25. novembril 2020 riigikogu ratifitseeris Eesti Euroopa Tuumauuringute Keskuse CERN assotsieerunud liikmeks saamise kokkuleppe, millele mõne aasta pärast peaks järgnema täisliikme staatus. CERNi asutasid 1954. a 12 Euroopa riiki, hetkel on täisliikmeid 23 ning veel kaks riiki ootavad assotsieerunud liikmetena täisliikmeks saamist. Alates 1996. aastast on Eesti CERNi eksperimentaalsetes ja teoreetilistes osakestefüüsika uuringutes osalenud koostöölepingu alusel.
Seminari esimene pool tutvustab põgusalt Tartu Ülikooli teadlaste CERNiga seotud tegevust:
Seminari teises pooles on juttu CERN liikmelisusega avanevatest uutest võimalustest Eesti teadlastele, õppuritele ja ettevõtetele:
Seminar toimus eesti keeles, ettekannete slaidid olid koostatud ja küsimusi võis esitada ka inglise keeles.
Neljapäeval, 15. oktoobril 2020 kell 16:15
Physicum A106 ja online BBB
Tänavuse Nobeli füüsikapreemia pälvisid Roger Penrose, kes näitas, et mustade aukude teke on üldrelatiivsusteooria vahetu järeldus, ning Reinhard Genzel ja Andrea Ghez, kes avastasid, et meie galaktika keskmes on nähtamatu ja äärmiselt raske kompaktne objekt, mis mõjutab sealsete tähtede orbiite ja mille hetkel ainuke tõsiseltvõetav seletus on ülimassiivne must auk. Seminari kavas on lühikesed ettekanded TÜ füüsika instituudi ja Tartu observatooriumi teadlastelt:
Pildil: Nobeli füüsikapreemia laureaadid 2020 Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel ja Andrea Ghez (autor Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Media)
Esmaspäeval, 2. märtsil 2020 kell 16:15 TÜ Physicumi auditooriumis B103 (W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu)
Kristjan Kunnus (TÜFI ajalise lahutusega röntgenspektroskoopia spetsialist, Stanfordi ülikooli PULSE instituudi järeldoktor)
Femtosecond Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy and Scattering with X-ray Free Electron Lasers
X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) light sources deliver high brightness and femtosecond duration X-ray pulses that have revolutionized the field of ultrafast science in the past ten years. In this talk I will discuss the current capabilities of pump-probe X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES) and X-ray Solution Scattering (XSS) at XFELs. Specifically, I will present results from a series of experiments where we investigated photoinduced excited state electron transfer and intersystem crossing dynamics in solvated Fe photosensitizer model complexes. These experiments track simultaneously electronic state and nuclear structure of the molecules, and allowed us to observe branching of electronic relaxation pathways and coherent nuclear wavepacket dynamics. In addition, I will discuss vibronic effects that emerge in time-resolved XES experiments and are necessary to interpret the ultrafast time-dependent signals.
Illustratsioon: Greg Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Kristjan Kunnus received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Materials Science from University of Tartu, Estonia. In 2014, he received his Dr. rer. nat. degree in experimental physics from University of Potsdam in Germany for his work on soft X-ray spectroscopy of transition metal complexes in solution. His current research as a post-doctoral researcher in Stanford University and SLAC National Laboratory focuses on time-resolved X-ray experiments of photoinduced excited states dynamics in metal complexes.
Neljapäeval, 27. veebruaril 2020 kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis B103 (W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu)
Järelvaadatav video
Laur Järv, Manuel Hohmann, Margus Saal (TÜFI teoreetilise füüsika vanemteadurid)
Laiendatud geomeetrilised gravitatsioniteooriad
Ehkki avastatud esimesena on gravitatsioon jäänud neljast fundamentaaljõust kõige suuremaks mõistatuseks. Tema seos kvantteooriaga ning täppisvaatlused kosmoses on püstitanud seni lahendamata küsimusi, mis kuuluvad tänapäeva füüsika suurimate probleemide hulka. Esimesed sammud mõistatuse lahendamisel astus Newton formuleerides oma universaalse gravitatsiooniseaduse (1687), mille järgi gravitatsioon mõjub kehade vahel sõltuvalt vaid nende massist. Seda seadust üldistas geniaalselt Einstein, kes võttis kasutusele diferentsiaalgeomeetria matemaatika. Tema loodud üldrelatiivsusteoorias (1915) ilmub gravitatsioon kui aegruumi kõverus -- kuid täpsemalt tuleb öelda: kui meetrilise aegruumi Levi-Civita seostuse kõverus. Viimane osutab, et kõverus pole tegelikult aegruumi, vaid selle matemaatilise, ehk geomeetrilise kirjelduse omadus. Oma hilisemates töödes (1928) leidis Einstein kõverusele alternatiivi aegruumi geomeetria ja seega ka gravitatsiooni kirjeldamiseks kõveruseta Weitzenböcki seostuse iseloomuliku omaduse väände näol, mis on teleparalleelsete teooriate aluseks. Kolmas geomeetriliste omaduste pere liige -- mittemeetrilisus -- hakkas tähelepanu pälvima alles eelmise sajandi teisel poolel ja pakub samuti võimalust esitada üldrelatiivsusteooriale alternatiivne geomeetriline alus (1999). Kuigi üldrelatiivsusteooria tasemel on nimetatud geomeetriad füüsikaliste ennustuste poolest ekvivalentsed, ei kehti see olukord siis, kui teooriat laiendada, näiteks lisada tumeenergiat seletava täiendava välja. Seega pakuvad erinevad geomeetrilised kirjeldused erinevaid võimalusi läheneda gravitatsiooniteooriate lahendamata küsimustele. Ettekanne tutvustab nii probleemi kui võimalikke lahendusi -- geomeetriast gravitatsioonini.
Tartu Ülikooli füüsika instituudi teoreetilise füüsika vanemteadurid Laur Järv, Manuel Hohmann ja Margus Saal pälvisid oma töödega 2020. a riigi teaduse aastapreemia täppisteaduste valdkonnas.
Neljapäeval, 20. veebruaril 2020 kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis B103 (W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu)
Mikhail G. Brik (TÜFI materjalide kompuutermodelleerimise professor)
Red for LED
White light emitting diodes (LEDs) are widely used for both indoor and outdoor lighting applications. One of the main aims of research in this area is to produce white LEDs that mimic sunlight as closely as possible. Mixing emission of different colors is the way to get white light, but the main characteristics of the resultant emission depend crucially on properties of each component. For many years, white LEDs were composed of a blue GaN LED chip with yellow phosphor Y3Al5O12:Ce3+, that partially converts blue light into yellow. However, due to the lack of red light in this device, the produced white light is perceived to be a “cold” white light. Addition of a red phosphor to such LED can improve the emitted white light characteristics enormously.
In this presentation several basic approaches to get white light will be discussed, with highlighting their pros and cons. The role of different red phosphors in the white phosphor-converted LEDs for the lighting and agricultural applications will be shown, with several examples based on the original publications, e.g. [1-6].
The final part of the talk will be devoted to a short review of the book on spectroscopy of the transition metal and rare earth ions published recently [7].
Mikhail G. Brik received his PhD from Kuban State University (Russia) in 1995 and his DSc (habilitation) from the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland) in 2012. Since 2007 he is a professor at the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Estonia. Before that, he worked at Kyoto University (Japan) from 2003 to 2007, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) in 2002, Asmara University (Eritrea) from 2000 to 2001, and Kuban State University from 1995 to 2000. He is also a distinguished visiting professor at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) and Professor at Jan Długosz University (Poland). Since 2015 he serves as one of the editors of Optical Materials (Elsevier). Prof. Brik’s scientific interests cover theoretical spectroscopy of transition metal and rare earth ions in optical materials, crystal field theory, and ab initio calculations of the physical properties of pure and doped functional compounds. He is a coeditor of two books and author of 12 book chapters and about 390 papers in international journals. According to Google Scholar (November 2019), he has more than 7500 citations with h index 41. He received the Dragomir Hurmuzescu Award of Romanian Academy in 2006 and the State Prize of the Republic of Estonia in the field of exact sciences in 2013. In 2018 he received the state professor title from the President of Poland.
[1] M.G. Brik, A.M. Srivastava, J. Lumin. 133 (2013) 69.
[2] M.G. Brik, S.J. Camardello, A.M. Srivastava, ECS J. Solid State Sci. & Technol. 4 (2015) R39.
[3] M.G. Brik, S.J. Camardello, A.M. Srivastava, N.M. Avram, A. Suchocki, ECS J. Solid State Sci. & Technol. 5 (2016) R3067.
[4] Q. Zhou, L. Dolgov, A.M. Srivastava, L. Zhou, Z.L. Wang, J.X. Shi, M.D. Dramićanin, M.G. Brik, M.M. Wu, J. Mater. Chem. C 6 (2018) 2652.
[5] A.M. Srivastava, M.G. Brik, H.A. Comanzo, W.W. Beers, W.E. Cohen, T. Pocock, ECS J. Solid State Sci. & Technol. 7 (2018) R3158.
[6] M.G. Brik, W.W. Beers, W. Cohen, S.A. Payne, N.J. Cherepy, M. Piasecki, A.M. Srivastava, Opt. Mater. 91 (2019) 338.
[7] M.G. Brik, C.-G. Ma, “Theoretical Spectroscopy of Transition Metal and Rare Earth Ions: From Free State to Crystal Field”, Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd, Singapore, 2020, ISBN 978-981-4800-56-3, 460 p.
Esmaspäeval, 17. veebruaril 2020 kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis B103
Järelvaadatav video
Hasan Yılmaz (Yale University, Department of Applied Physics)
Coherent control of light transport and imaging through scattering opaque media
Materials such as white paint, fog, paper or biological tissue have spatial inhomogeneities in the refractive index which cause multiple scattering of light. In such opaque materials, most of the light reflects in the backward direction, hindering the transport of optical energy and spatial information. The transmittance can be enhanced by utilizing the interference of scattered coherent waves-a striking phenomenon first theoretically predicted in the context of mesoscopic electron transport through conducting wires [1-4]. In recent years, spatial light modulators (SLMs) have been used to control the transmittance of light by finding transmission eigenchannels of the scattering system [5,6]. By coupling light into transmission eigenchannels, transmittance through the medium can be controlled between 0 (closed channels) and 1 (open channels). Furthermore, not only the transmittance but also the imaging resolution can be enhanced through opaque scattering media by exploiting angular correlations “angular memory effect” [7].
First, the recent discovery on transmission eigenchannels through a layer of white paint is presented. It was discovered that transmission eigenchannels are exponentially localized in the transverse directions, even in the diffusive regime far from Anderson localization [8]. The results show that open channels not only enhance total transmitted power, but also energy density inside and on the back surface of a scattering opaque medium, which is important for applications such as optogenetics and multiphoton imaging that aim for enhancement of light-matter interactions in complex optical systems. It is further demonstrated that selective coupling of light into a single transmission eigenchannel modifies the angular memory effect correlation range [9]. Open channels have a wider memory effect range than a plane wave or a Gaussian beam, thus will provide a wider field of view for memory-effect-based imaging through opaque media.
Next, the speckle correlation resolution enhancement (SCORE) imaging that simultaneously produces wide-field and high-resolution fluorescence images is introduced [7]. SCORE is a scanning optical microscopy method that benefits from the angular memory effect through a scattering opaque layer. The high-resolution of SCORE is due to very fine speckle grains that are generated by a solid immersion medium which is made of a gallium phosphide (GaP) substrate with an opaque layer. Using SCORE, we demonstrated a deconvolved Abbe resolution of 116 nm with a field-of-view of 10 µm × 10 µm.
Figure 1. (a) When a beam of a flashlight shines through an opaque medium such as white paint or a fog, the light spreads in both longitudinal and lateral directions. Consequently, the transmitted beam becomes wider and the transmitted light intensity is lower. (b) By shaping its wavefront using a SLM, a laser beam propagates through the opaque medium without lateral spread. Moreover, the transmitted light intensity is enhanced. The enhancement of light transmittance and the suppression of lateral beam spreading keep the optical energy density high throughout the opaque medium.
Hasan Yılmaz received his B.Sc. degree in Physics Engineering from İstanbul Technical University in 2008. He received his M.Sc. degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Koç University in 2011, where he worked with Prof. Ali Serpengüzel at the Microphotonics Research Laboratory. In 2015, he received his Ph.D. degree from University of Twente in The Netherlands for his work on “Advanced Optical Imaging with Scattering Lenses,” with Prof. Allard Mosk. He is currently an Associate Research Scientist at Yale University, Department of Applied Physics, working on physics and applications of complex optical systems with Prof. Hui Cao.
[1] O. N. Dorokhov, Solid State Commun. 51, 381–384 (1984).
[2] Y. Imry, Europhys. Lett. 1, 249 (1986).
[3] P. A. Mello, P. Pereyra, and N. Kumar, Ann. Phys. 181, 290–317 (1988).
[4] Y. V. Nazarov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 134 (1994).
[5] A. P. Mosk, A. Lagendijk, G. Lerosey, and M. Fink, Nat. Photonics 6, 283–292 (2012).
[6] S. Rotter and S. Gigan, Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 015005 (2017).
[7] H. Yılmaz, E.G. van Putten, J. Bertolotti, A. Lagendijk, W.L. Vos, A.P. Mosk Optica 2, 424-429 (2015).
[8] H. Yılmaz, C. W. Hsu, A. Yamilov, and H. Cao, Nat. Photonics 13, 352-358 (2019). [9] H. Yılmaz, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 203901 (2019).
[9] H. Yılmaz, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 203901 (2019).
Esmaspäeval, 27. jaanuaril 2020 kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis B103
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Amit Kumar Mishra (University of Cape Town)
Bio-inspired Methods for Sensing & Instrumentation
Biosphere has tremendous potential to inspire engineers and scientists in exploring interesting avenues and in innovating unique solutions. In this talk, the presenter shall discuss some of his past work, all of which have the common factor of being inspired by biological systems. He shall also discuss some of his proposals for the new Computational Imaging Group.
Amit Kumar Mishra is currently a full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, at the University of Cape Town (#136 as per THES 2020 Ranking). He did his PhD in the University of Edinburgh in 2006 and has worked in three continents so far. He works mainly in the domain of radar system design, applied machine learning and bio-inspired AI. He has authored/co-authored more than 40 journal papers and has invented six patents.
Esmaspäeval, 20. jaanuaril 2020 kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis B103
Manoj Kumar Sharma (Rice University, USA)
Computational Imaging: Using Computation to Overcome Fundamental Imaging Limits
The goal of computational imaging is to disentangle additional information through advanced image processing algorithms. In disparity to traditional imaging, computational imaging systems involve a close integration of the sensing hardware system and the computation to form the images of interest.
In this talk, it will be shown how computation can help in breaking some of the fundamental limits in imaging to achieve sub-diffraction limited resolution imaging performance to image optically rough objects at large distances. It is well known that the achievable resolution is directly proportional to the numerical aperture of the imaging lens, which in turn, depends on the diameter of the imaging device as well as the distance of the object from its entrance pupil. As the distance between the object and the imaging device increases, the NA decreases, and hence, the achievable resolution decreases too. In order to keep the NA fixed, the diameter of the imaging lens is increased. Lohmann’s scaling law suggests that an m-fold distance change comes with a proportionate cost as well as the weight changed by a factor of m3.
Manoj Kumar Sharma will be talking about two pieces of his recent work carried out to achieve sub-diffraction limited resolution imaging performance without increasing the weight and the cost of the imaging device, as suggested by the Lohmann’s scaling law. This is done in two ways: one via forming a synthetic aperture by means of Fourier ptychography where we sample the Fourier plane to form a stack of low-resolution images and later using computation, a high-resolution image is formed from the captured low-resolution images. Second, by using a large, inexpensive, and light-weight Fresnel lens to achieve a high-resolution performance comparable to that of a good quality lens, by correcting it for the aberrations it carries. It is possible by characterizing the lens first and then use it for imaging. In both cases, we could achieve high-resolution imaging performance without increasing the weight and cost as per Lohmann’s scaling, which shows that computation can help to overcome fundamental imaging limitations.
Manoj Kumar Sharma is a research scientist at Rice University. He received his PhD in Physics in 2014 from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India and has done two postdoctorals at the University of Arizona and at Northwestern University. His research interests include computational imaging, compressed sensing, inverse problems, phase retrieval, super-resolution imaging etc.
Reverse side of U.S. $2 bill [1].
[1] Science Advances, 14 Apr 2017: Vol. 3, no. 4, e1602564 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602564
Teisipäeval, 7. jaanuaril kell 14:15, TÜ Physicumi auditooriumis B103 (W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu)
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Janek Uin (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
MOSAiC, the largest Arctic expedition in history
This talk will give an overview of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate -- MOSAiC, the largest Arctic expedition in history. The expedition started in September 2019, when German research ship RV Polarstern left Tromsø, Norway and headed towards the North Pole to be frozen in with the ice for a year.
On board among the various groups participating in the expedition, were the scientists and technicians from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program, managing several shipping containers full of instruments for studying the properties of the Arctic atmosphere. The presenter of this talk spent a month and a half in the Arctic, setting up atmospheric aerosol measurements as part of the ARM deployment within MOSAiC.
The talk will give a background of the expedition, explain the role of the DOE ARM program in it, and share the personal experiences of the presenter working in the challenging Arctic conditions.
Janek Uin graduated from University of Tartu in 2011 and defended his PhD thesis on aerosol measurements. Since 2015 he works as a staff scientist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York as part of the U.S. DOE ARM program. He is responsible for conducting atmospheric aerosol measurements at the ARM measurement sites situated across the world, with the 30+ field instruments under his care.
neljapäeval, 5. detsembril kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis A106 (W. Ostwaldi 1, 50411 Tartu).
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Madis Kõiv (05.12.1929--24.09.2014) oli eesti füüsik, filosoof ja kirjanik, kelle mõtlemises ja loomingus mängis üht keskset rolli küsimus ajast. Madis Kõivu 90. sünniaastapäeva tähistava seminari kavas on neli ettekannet.
Physicumi seminarid on mõeldud füüsikute ja materjaliteadlaste, aga ka teiste loodus- ja täppisteadlaste laiale ringile (alates bakalaureuse astme üliõpilastest) ning püüavad avada seda, mis mingis valdkonnas on parasjagu oluline ja uudne või kuhu teatud uurimissuund on tänaseks välja jõunud.
Seminarile järgneb Madis Kõivu maalide näituse "Madis Kõivu ruum" avamine Physicumi galeriis kell 18:00. Samal õhtul kell 19:00 etendub Vanemuise väikeses majas Madis Kõivu ja Vaino Vahingu näidend "Faehlmann".
Madis Kõiv, 1982. a (Kuulo Vestre foto)
Thursday, 17 October 2019, 4:15 p.m.
Physicum auditorium B103
W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu
This year the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to James Peebles as well as to Michel G. E. Mayor and Didier Queloz, whose achievements in cosmology and astrophysics have contributed the understanding of the evolution of the universe and Earth's place in the cosmos. In the seminar the researchers from UT Tartu Observatory will speak about the scientific achievements of the Nobel laureates and point out the connections with the work in the observatory. There will be four short presentations, two in Estonian and two in English.
Jukka Nevalainen: How has Peebles helped us to understand the Universe?
Jaan Einasto: Kokkupuuteid Jim Peeblesiga
Jaan Pelt: Kuidas avastatakse eksoplaneete?
Mihkel Pajusalu: Latest developments in the field of exoplanet science and the role of Tartu Observatory
Nobeli Prize in Physics 2019 laureates James Peebles, Michel G. E. Mayor, Didier Queloz (picture by Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Media)
The Physicum seminars are meant for a broad auditorium of physicists and materials scientists, as well as for interested people from other natural and exact sciences (including bacheleor level students) and aim at introducing what is important and new in a certain field, or where a specific reasearch direction has reached today.
Everybody is welcome to attend.
The 6th Physicum seminar takes place on Friday, 17 May 2019 at 14:15 in the Physicum lecture hall B103 (W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu). The Physicum seminars are meant for a broad auditorium of physicists and materials scientists, as well as for interested people from other natural and exact sciences (including bacheleor level students) and aim at introducing what is important and new in a certain field, or where a specific reasearch direction has reached today. The current seminar will be held in English.
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Tõnu Pullerits
Chemical Physics, Lund University, Sweden
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Nanostructures
Nano-size semiconductor structures have a rich spectrum of properties related to quantum confinement which are not available in the corresponding bulk materials. Size-tuneable spectrum is, perhaps, the best known and understood such property. Here we investigate dissipation and transport dynamics of various semiconductor nanosystems and their composites which are relevant for optoelectronics applications. We have studied colloidal quantum dots, plasmonic metal nanoparticles, hybrid and all inorganic perovskite nanocrystals and Ruddlesden–Popper 2D perovskites. We apply a set of modern ultrafast techniques like photocurrent and fluorescence detected coherent 2D spectroscopy, transient terahertz and absorption spectroscopies revealing detailed information about photoexcitation dynamics.
Tõnu Pullerits graduated University of Tartu in solid state physics in 1986 and defended PhD in 1991 at the Institute of Physics under the supervision of Arvi Freiberg. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Free University of Amsterdam, University of Umeå, and Lund University, where he works till today. Since 2008 Tõnu Pullerits is a professor of chemical physics at Lund University. Tõnu Pullerits has co-authored over two hundred research publications, which have acquired more than 11000 citations (Google h-index 59). He has supervised six PhD theses. Tõnu Pullerits has been an invited speaker at many international conferences and seminars, he has organized a number of scientific symposia, and is a member of several commissions of trust. As an expert of the field, he has evaluated project proposals for the European Research Council, the Estonian Research council, an for other foundations. He belongs to the editorial board of "Nature Scientific Reports", and acts as a referee for a number of leading journals. In 2016 Tõnu Pullerits became an elected member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences.
The 5th Physicum seminar takes place on Thursday, 25 April 2019 at 16:15 in the Physicum lecture hall A106 (W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu). The Physicum seminars are meant for a broad auditorium of physicists and materials scientists, as well as for interested people from other natural and exact sciences (including bacheleor level students) and aim at introducing what is important and new in a certain field, or where a specific reasearch direction has reached today. The current seminar will be held in English.
how to observe something completely dark and why is it so exciting?
On 10 April 2019 the international Event Horizon Telescope collaboration revealed the first image of a black hole. The seminar aims to give a concise scientific background of this major discovery and highlight some future perspectives. There will be five short talks:
A Brief Introduction to Dark Compact Objects
how to distinguish black holes from more exotic wormholes, gravastars, boson stars, etc?
Laur Järv (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics)
The Astrophysics of Supermassive Black Holes
where to find the beasts and how they feed?
Indrek Vurm (University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory):
Observations with the Event Horizon Telescope
how an interferometer of the size of the Earth got the picture, and what was actually measured?
Antti Tamm (University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory)
The Black Hole "Shadow"
where can the light rays near a black hole go, and how does the image arise?
Christian Pfeifer (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics)
The Dawn of Black Hole Astronomy
what can be inferred from the image of M87*, what are the next tasks and targets?
Manuel Hohmann (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics)
Hello, M87* (Pōwehi)!
["Pōwehi" is a proposed unofficial name for the supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87. It means the "embellished dark source of unending creation" in the Hawaii language and is inspired by the Kumulipo, a chant about the origins of the world from a Hawaiian perspective.]
Neljas Physicumi seminar toimub neljapäeval, 4. aprlllil kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis B103. Physicumi seminarid on mõeldud füüsikute ja materjaliteadlaste, aga ka teiste loodus- ja täppisteadlaste laiale ringile (alates bakalaureuse astme üliõpilastest) ning püüavad avada seda, mis mingis valdkonnas on parasjagu oluline ja uudne või kuhu teatud uurimissuund on tänaseks välja jõunud.
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Esineb dr. Arved Vain (TÜ füüsika instituudi biomehaanika dotsent)
PEALKIRI: Omnitoni saamise lugu ehk kuidas ennetada haigestumist
Lihashaigusi peetakse ravimatuteks. Selle on tinginud asjaolu, et lihashaigusi diagnoositakse liiga hilja – siis, kui patoloogiline protsess on tekitanud skeletilihases pöördumatuid morfoloogilisi muutusi. Järelikult on oluline vältida lihashaigusi. Paraku puuduvad laialtkasutatavad meetodid ja seadmed skeletilihaste muutuste lihtsaks ja odavaks jälgimiseks ning patoloogia varajaseks avastamiseks.
Tüüpilisteks vigadeks seni leiutatud seadmetele lihastoonust iseloomustava parameetri registreerimisel on mõõtmisprotseduuri mehaaniline järelmõju, mis muudab mõõtekorratavust halvemaks. Roomavuse ja mehaanilise pinge relaksatsiooniaja karakteristikuid mõõtvaid seadmeid pehmetele bioloogilistele kudedele ei ole teada peale müomeetri.
Bioloogiliste kudede testimise põhiprobleem on see, et need on palju muutlikumad kui elutud materjalid. Pehmete bioloogiliste kudede biomehaaniliste omaduste iseloomustamisel tekitavad kõige suuremaid raskusi koe mittelineaarsus, viskoelastsus ja anisotroopne käitumine, mis võivad aja jooksul muutuda. Keha erinevates piirkondades varieeruvad bioloogiliste kudede biomehaanilised omadused. Omnitoni uus programm ja seade võimaldavad täiendavalt:
Arved Vain lõpetas Tallinna Polütehnilise Instituudi masinaehituse insenerina 1961. aastal. Aastatel 1965–1968 oli ta Tartu Ülikoolis aspirantuuris biofüüsika erialal, sai 1970 a. kandidaadikraadi ja töökoha Tartu Ülikoolis, kus on tegutsenud kuni tänaseni. 1993. a kaitses Arved Vain Riias biomehaanika alal dr. habil. biol. kraadi teemal “Mehaanilise pinge transmissiooninähtus skeletilihases”.
Arved Vain on õpetanud erinevaid meditsiinifüüsikaga seotud aineid, praegustes õppekavadest leiab näiteks tema loengukursused "Biomehaanika alused ja biomaterjalid", "Müomeetria", "Funktsionaalse anatoomia põhimõisted". Tema juhendamisel on kaitstud 10 doktoriväitekirja, 12 magistritööd ja üle 30 bakalaureusetöö. Arved Vain on olnud külalisprofessor Sumõ Riiklikus Ülikoolis (Ukraina) ja Vanderbilti Ülikoolis (Nashville, TN, USA).
Müomeetria meetodile ja seadmele sai Arved Vain esimese autoritunnistuse 1977, esimese patendi 1996, teise 2011 ning kolmas rahvusvaheline patenditaotlus on esitatud 2019. a märtsis. Arved Vain on ülikooli spinn-off ettevõtte OÜ Müomeetria asutaja (1999), praegu kannab firma nime AS Myoton.
3rd Physicum seminar takes place on Thursday, 21 February 2019 at 14:15 in the Physicum room B103. The Physicum seminars are meant for a broad auditorium of physicists and materials scientists (including bacheleor level students) and aim at introducing what is important and new in a certain field.
SPEAKER: Prof. Alexey E. Romanov (ITMO university, St. Petersburg, Russia)
TITLE: Disclination ensembles in graphene and pseudo-graphenes
ABSTRACT: In this talk, we consider wedge disclinations as the main structural defects in 2D graphene crystal hexagonal lattice. Disclinations are associated with improper carbon rings, i.e. rings having 4, 5, 7 or 8 members to the contrary of proper 6-member carbon rings constituting ideal 2D graphene crystal lattice. With the help of disclinations, we build the models for grain boundaries and other interfaces in graphene polycrystals as well as for pseudo-graphenes. The pseudo-graphenes are treated as graphene crystals with high density of periodically distributed disclinations with zero total charge. The geometry and energy of disclinated graphene configurations are analyzed with the help of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation technique and in the framework of the theory of defects in elastic continuum. In conclusion, it is argued that studying the properties of disclinations in graphene opens a new direction in graphene science and technology – graphene defect engineering.
IMAGE: Examples of pseudo-graphene crystals with disclination networks (a) 5-7A pseudo-graphene – phagraphene [1]; 5-7B pseudo-graphene [2]; 5-8-5D pseudo-graphene – PO graphene [3]; 4-8 pseudo-graphene [2]. Red circles denote carbon atoms; empty and black triangles denote negative and positive disclinations, respectively.
SPEAKER: Alexey Romanov graduated St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in 1971 with a degree on the physics of metals. In 1981 Alexey defended his PhD thesis in solid state physics and in 1989 he completed a professorial thesis on screened disclinations in solids. He is an author or co-author of over 300 publications with h-index 43. The R&D he is involved in is mainly focused, but not limited to the structure and mechanical properties of solids with emphasis on defects in nanocrystals and thin films. One of his main activities was dedicated to the development of the theory of disclinations in crystals. At the moment Alexey is the Dean of the Faculty of Laser Photonics and Optoelectronics at ITMO University (St. Petersburg, Russia) and the Head of International Research Center of Functional Materials and Devices of Optoelectronics and Electronics. Incidentally, in the period of 2010-2014 Alexey Romanov held a professor position at the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu.
[1] Zh. Wang, X.-F. Zhou, X. Zhang, Q. Zhu, H. Dong, M. Zhao, A.R. Oganov, Phagraphene: A low-energy graphene allotrope composed of 5–6–7 carbon rings with distorted Dirac cones // NanoLetters 15 (2015) 6182.
[2] Ch.-P. Tang, Sh.-J. Xiong, A graphene composed of pentagons and octagons // AIP Advances 2 (2012) 042147.
[3] М.А. Rozhkov, А.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, А.Е. Romanov, Disclination ensembles in graphene // Low Temperature Physics 44 (2018) 1171.
The current seminar is supported by the Graduate School of Functional materials and technologies receiving funding from the European Regional Development Fund in University of Tartu, Estonia.
The second Physicum seminar will be held on Thursday, 31st of January, at 16.15 in the Physicum auditorium B103. The Physicum seminar is a new seminar format, which is meant to be comprehensible and entertaining for listeners of all levels, and in which strictly top-level scientists are invited to hold a talk. This seminar will be held by Georg Pucker, PhD, and the seminar will be held in English.
TITLE: Silicon Quantum Dots
ABSTRACT: Silicon quantum dots - often also called silicon nanocrystals - are attracting a lot of interest since the early work on light emission from porous silicon by L. Canham in UK and U. Gössele in Germany back in 1990. Silicon quantum dots embedded in a dielectric matrix can be seen as a more stable form of porous silicon maintaining the strong, typical red to near-infrared photoluminescence.
While the photoluminescence efficiency of silicon quantum dots can easily achieve some percent efficiency, electroluminescence is more difficult to obtain due to different barrier heights for holes and electrons and poor electrical transport. However, careful optimisation of growth parameters allows to control the average dimension of quantum dots and their distance. A study, in which Silicon quantum dots on top of a silicon solar cell were used will be presented. Indeed, an enhancement of the UV-blue efficiency and overall cell efficiency could be obtained. Finally, use of a Si-light emitting diode as light source in a compact quantum number generator will be presented as a potential application.
Image: Silicon wafer with hundreds of silicon quantum dot based light emitting diodes (LEDs), zoom on single LED, high resolution TEM image of silicon quantum dots.
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Georg Pucker obtained his master's (1993) and doctor's degree (1996) in Technical Chemistry from the Technical University Graz – Austria, for his work in the field of optical spectroscopy of rare-earth doped glasses. From 1996 to 2000 he was a Post-Doc at the Department of Physics at the University of Trento, Italy, performing research in the field of optical spectroscopy of rare-earth ions and silicon nanostructures. In 2000 he joined ITC-IRST, now Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Italy. The R&D he is involved in ranges from research on organic and inorganic solar cells, radiation hard silicon detectors for particle tracking to thermo-electric devices. Since 2011, his research has focused on integrated photonics. He is author or co-author of over 90 publications in peer-reviewed journals, author of a book chapter and inventor of 4 patents.
The first Physicum seminar will be held on Thursday, 17th of January, at 14.15 in the Physicum auditorium A106. The Physicum seminar is a new seminar format, which is meant to be comprehensible and entertaining for listeners of all levels, and in which strictly top-level scientists are invited to hold a talk.
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This seminar will be held by Professor Daniele Faccio, and the seminar will be held in English.
Daniele Faccio is a renowned researcher in the field of photonics. He has studied and worked in more than half a dozen of universities and research institutes in Europe, UK and USA, and contributed to the field through reviewing and editing of various scientific journals, organizing international research schools and many more. The scope of his research is very wide and his work has drawn much attention through stating very creative analogues between phenomena in optics and fundamental physics.
TITLE: Imaging with quantum technologies
ABSTRACT: We will give an overview of recent developments of single-photon detection technologies and cameras. One of the main features we have focused on is the ability of single-photon cameras to capture images with 10-100 ps temporal resolution, thus introducing a paradigm change the field of what is often referred to as “trillion frames per second photography”. This technology allows us for example to freeze light in flight but can also be used to create 3D images of scenes that are hidden behind a corner. Other applications involve a combination with computational retrieval techniques and allow imaging through opaque materials or through optical fibres. Finally, we will briefly overview some new approaches to quantum imaging, in the sense of imaging with entangled states light where the goal is to image objects that classically would not be visible.