Physicumi seminar "The Dawn of Black Hole Astronomy"

Viies Physicumi seminar toimub neljapäeval, 25. aprlllil 2019 kell 16:15 Physicumi auditooriumis A106. Physicumi seminarid on mõeldud füüsikute ja materjaliteadlaste, aga ka teiste loodus- ja täppisteadlaste laiale ringile (alates bakalaureuse astme üliõpilastest) ning püüavad avada seda, mis mingis valdkonnas on parasjagu oluline ja uudne või kuhu teatud uurimissuund on tänaseks välja jõudnud. Seekordne seminar toimub inglise keeles, kõik huvilised on teretulnud.

how to observe something completely dark and why is it so exciting?

On 10 April 2019 the international Event Horizon Telescope collaboration revealed the first image of a black hole. The seminar aims to give a concise scientific background of this major discovery and highlight some future perspectives. There will be five short talks:

A Brief Introduction to Dark Compact Objects
how to distinguish black holes from more exotic wormholes, gravastars, boson stars, etc?
Laur Järv (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics)

The Astrophysics of Supermassive Black Holes
where to find the beasts and how they feed?
Indrek Vurm (University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory):

Observations with the Event Horizon Telescope
how an interferometer of the size of the Earth got the picture, and what was actually measured?
Antti Tamm (University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory)

The Black Hole "Shadow"
where can the light rays near a black hole go, and how does the image arise?
Christian Pfeifer (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics)

The Dawn of Black Hole Astronomy
what can be inferred from the image of M87*, what are the next tasks and targets?
Manuel Hohmann (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics)